How implement Volume Sharing Between 2 Instance Using SSHFS.
VM2 nginx service will be read data in VM1 using SSHFS
The next Step continuous from [Docker Administration]({{ site.url }}/notes/2020/03/07/volume-in-docker/)
and we was create 2 instance in article [Docker Administration]({{ site.url }}/notes/2020/03/05/docker-administration-install-docker/), running again both instance :
vagrant up vm1 vm2
Generate SSH Keygen in both server
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Copy Public Key ssh vm2 to vm1
ssh-copy-id root@vm1
or you can add manually, in vm2
cat /root/.ssh/
put the output to vm1 in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Modify /etc/hosts
echo -e " vm1 \n vm2" >> /etc/hosts
Volume Driver
Remote Via SSH to vm1 and cretae directory
vagrant ssh vm1
sudo mkdir /data
sudo chmod 777 /data
Install Plugin SSHFS in vm2
sudo docker plugin install --grant-all-permissions vieux/sshfs #install plugin
sudo docker plugin ls #list plugin
sudo docker plugin disable [PLUGIN ID] #disable plugin
sudo docker plugin set vieux/sshfs sshkey.source=/root/.ssh/ #set path authentication using ssh
sudo docker plugin enable [PLUGIN ID] #enable plugin
sudo docker plugin ls #list plugin
Create Volume With SSHFS in vm2
sudo docker volume create --driver vieux/sshfs -o sshcmd=root@vm1:/data -o allow_other sshvolume
Running Container with ssvolume in vm2
sudo docker run -d --name=nginxtest-ssh -p 8090:80 -v sshvolume:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx:latest
Login to vm1 and create index.html
vagrant ssh vm1
sudo sh -c "echo 'Hello, I am roomit' > /data/index.html"
sudo cat /data/index.html
Execution in vm2
sudo docker ps
curl http://localhost:8090
Hello, I am roomit